Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Flowers for the Living"

In Allah’s beloved Nation of God and Earth we have several Cultural Honor Days that we all acknowledge as a collective whole, to renew the history of Almighty God Allah himself, as well as some of the great Builders he brought forth that paved the way for us in this day and time. I personally recognize numerous days that are special to me, in honor of the many trailblazers and pioneers that have lived Allah’s Mathematics for many years before I was blessed with the Knowledge of myself. This is an aspect of our Divine Culture that I enjoy with a heavy heart at times, whenever building on the history or Qur’an of those that have returned. Yet I fully understand the relevancy and importance of knowing and renewing our Supreme Mathematical history in Allah’s World Manifesting; because as I cee it, to know our past history is the only way to understand our present history. For we are the history makers of today!
With this Truth in mind, I would like to verse about the countless trailblazers and pioneers that are still building in the midst of the righteous today, making history, by living Allah’s Mathematics for as long as they have and fulfilling the duty of being the wise elders they’ve grown to be. Please do not wait for them to leave us physically to then talk about their greatness after they are gone. Let’s celebrate them in life, not in death! As such, Flowers for Living is my determined idea to express my Supreme appreciation to all of my Just and True elders for keeping Allah’s Truth alive as long as you have, so that today I can teach it just as real as you do! Which is why I was taught that the only way to keep what I have is to give it away, because there is no success without successors. This is why Allah taught my elder Brownseed of Supreme Wisdom to “ Do your job Sun, and what? Keep teaching! The Cream will rise to the top”. As his First Born says, “That’s a fact jack”. (smile)
Many of our True and Living Elders have seen every generation of Gods and Earth in our Nation bloom and blossom into the fruit of Allah. And in this unalike society, in a country that’s hostile to the truth of Allah; and all of the adverse conditions and trials and tribulations we’ve gone through as a Nation, this is no small feat. So it is with sincere admiration, pride and appreciation that I manifest Flowers for the living, so that you all know how grateful I am to have you in my Book of Life, as we continue to write our history or Qur’an together. Because in all the history of Intelligence Saving Lives and Minds, it never revealed that Allah taught us to celebrate death. For Allah’s Mathematics are the Supreme principles of life that we righteously uphold and manifest, the natural laws of God that give us life from a mental death and power. Thus it is only natural that we study, learn and manifest his life-giving teachings amongst the True and Living in the here and now, then we can verse about those that have returned as well. After all, Equality means to deal equal in all things. Almighty God Allah taught us the reality of life as well as the reality of death. Just like my beloved mental Father taught me last year when my Old King returned: Life on Life’s terms and death on death’s terms. And the reality of Living Mathematics is that our elders are the Saviors and guides of today’s youth, and we must never take them for granted. We are blessed with the greatest way of life because we were given the freedom to choose our culture for ourselves 44yrs ago, up until now. Therefore, through Allah’s Divine Culture of Supreme Living Mathematics we choose to be who and what we are, and our choices dictate our reality. Which is why many are called, yet few are chosen, because the ones that are chosen are the ones that choose themselves! Now think about how many times over the years our Elders have chosen to remain standing firm on the Truth of our Square, through all of the turmoil our young Nation has been through,, both internally and externally. As a Nation, we just came out of our fifth tri-master, all praise due to Allah. Think about how difficult a choice it must have been at times going through the Zig Zag Zig of our history or Qur’an, and compare it to the fact that it is quite easy to simply abandon ship. Do you cee my point? Our just and true elders are Allah’s living monuments, here to guide us into tomorrow with their collective Wisdom. Keeping in mind that while many shall receive the good advice of our Elders, only the wise will profit from it, because to profit from good advice requires just as much, if not more, Wisdom than to give it. And I say this so that we can all take that wise, second look at the Supreme Knowledge our Elders have for us to benefit from. Now tell me what you cee?
I have been blessed to have been taught many great things about Almighty God Allah, our 3 original Elders, our First Nine Born, our 23 Scientists and the genesis of our beloved Nation. So I live and teach our great history with pride because I know that as long as me and mine continue to carry on the legacy of Allah and all those that come before us, they will forever be here with us! Those great scientists that have returned continue to be remembered and loved because those that made history with them, that are still here with us, teach us all about them. What a blessing! Therefore we should all strive to know and study with those that are still here, about those that are gone; to be better qualified to build with those that are yet to come….
Supreme thanks to our Elders for passing along the dynasty of Allah, not only right b.u.t right and exact! You are the truth, and I love you all like I love myself! PEACE!!
Scientific Born Allah

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